Le dictionnaire sur le kitesurf donne la définition de tous les termes techniques liés à la pratique du kite. C’est aussi un glossaire qui traduit le vocabulaire anglais du kiteboard en français. Les termes techniques sont expliqués de façon détaillée pour qu’un débutant commence le kitesurf dans de bonnes conditions. C’est un lexique pratique à voir et à revoir dès qu’il vous manque un mot de vocabulaire.
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easy roll on -
Petite valve de dégonflage située à l'extrémité du board d'attaque, permettant de rouler son aile d'un bout à l'autre
Edge -
Creating by tilting the kiteboard with its edge into the water. Used to control the direction of travel and regulating power in the kite. Learning to edge properly is critical for tacking upwind. Edging is one of the fundamental skills of kitesurfing, and is one of the major ways kiteboarding is different from windsurfing or wakeboarding. While windsurf boards have daggerboards and/or skegs to steer the board upwind, lift and planing is provided by the board itself. Kiteboards actually combine both functions, as the bottom of the kiteboard lifts the rider and steers simultaneously. Kiteboard fins are generally much smaller, and are used to create extra leverage as the board drives through the water, but are not essential. Because kite boards have a small rocker, a deep edge can allow the board to act as a large low drag fin. Edging in wakeboarding is used for steering the board; whereas in kiteboarding not only does edging steer the kiteboard, but it is essential for controlling the kite and board speed. Releasing an edge and riding downwind towards the kite subtracts massively from the kite's power and helps control board speed as well.
enfourner -
Lorsque l'on plante l'avant de sa planche et qu'elle s'enfonce dans l'eau
epoxy -
Résine utilisée dans la fabrication de la planche
extrados -
Partie extérieure de l'aile.
Eye of the wind -
This refers to the direction that the wind is blowing from.