Le dictionnaire sur le kitesurf donne la définition de tous les termes techniques liés à la pratique du kite. C’est aussi un glossaire qui traduit le vocabulaire anglais du kiteboard en français. Les termes techniques sont expliqués de façon détaillée pour qu’un débutant commence le kitesurf dans de bonnes conditions. C’est un lexique pratique à voir et à revoir dès qu’il vous manque un mot de vocabulaire.
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This is the edge of the board.
rail -
C'est ce qui fait l'accroche de la planche dans l'eau par son volume et sa forme
Railey -
A trick where a kiteboarder jumps in the air and extends their body and swings the board behind them up over the level of their head.
railey -
Figure où le Kitesurfeur saute à l’horizontal, la planche au-dessus du corps
railey déhooké -
Position superman en déhooké
railey kiteloop -
kiteloop déhooké qui tire le corps vers l'avant, en position de railey
railey to blind -
railey suivi d'un demi-tour en blind avant de replaquer
railey to toeside -
railey suivi d'un demi-tour toeside avant de replaquer
railey to wrap -
railey + 360 en l'air avec passage de barre après la réception (on vient enrouler le bras dans le dos)
Ram Air Kite -
Ram air foil kites have no rigid structure. The shape of the kite is formed while flying. These kites have shapes that are very close to airplane wings and therefore are the most aerodynamic kites. These kites normally have a limited number of air intakes and a one-way valve system to prevent the air from escaping, and are also called closed cell foil kites.
ratio (aile) -
Rapport entre la largeur et la longueur du kite. Un ratio faible est moins technique donc adressé aux débutants, un ratio élevé apporte de la performance essentiellement pour les sauts et la remontée au vent
Re-launch -
A general term for getting the kitesurfing kite back into the air after crashing it (on land or water). A relaunch is generally unassisted and requires the rider to follow a kite-specific procedure , typically pulling on one of the steering lines to bring the kite to the edge of the wind window and up on its wingtip. As years of development have gone by, the more recent kites are much easier to relaunch.
Reaching -
Sailing with the wind coming from the side (sailing across the wind). If the wind is coming from directly from the side, it is a beam reach. If the board is pointed more into the wind it is a close reach. If the wind is coming more from behind, it is called a broad reach
Rebel -
An SLE kite manufactured by North.
Recon -
A kite control system used by Cabrinha that allows easier water relaunching
Reel Bar -
This is a combination winding reel and control bar used to wind up the kite flying lines
regular (position) -
Pied gauche en avant, l’inverse de goofy
Rhino, R2, R4 -
Rhino2 and Rhino4 are models of inflatable kite manufactured by North.
rider (personne ou action) -
Naviguer ou quelqu'un qui pratique un sport de glisse
Rider Blind -
rider en marche arrière, pied arrière devant
rider toeside -
rider sur la carre pointe de pieds
Right-of-Way -
A right-of-way boat has precedence over others on conflicting courses and has the right to maintain its course. Usually a boat on starboard tack has right of way over a boat on port tack.
Rigid kite -
A kite such as a speedwing or delta whose shape is mostly held by means of a rigid frame, eliminating the need for a complex bridle. Most rigid kites are not water relaunchable.
Ripstop -
Ripstop refers to the squares of reinforcing fibers in the fabric which make it resistant to tearing. A rip in this fabric will stop at one of the reinforcing fibers. Many kites use ripstop polyester fabric in their canopy.
Roast beef -
A trick where a kiteboarder jumps and grabs the heelside (back) of the board between his/her legs.
roast beef -
grab au milieu de la board, sur la carre arrière, avec la main qui passe entre les jambes
Rocker -
This refers to the curve along the bottom of the board.
rocker -
Cintre de la planche, généralement décomposé en rocker avant (scoop) et arrière (lift).
roockie -
Le jeune, le petit nouveau qui est prometteur dans la compétition